EMS is a privately held company serving the management needs of healthcare facilities since 1976. Currently providing multiple services to nearly 30 healthcare facilities, we are focused on strong partnerships resulting in excellent customer retention and references.

  • Hospitals – Medical Centers
  • Nursing Homes and Rehabilitation Centers
  • Assisted and Independent Living facilities
  • Continuing Care Retirement Centers
  • Residential Senior Living – Planned Living Communities
  • Behavioral and Addiction Treatment Centers
  • Alzheimer’s, Dementia, and other special needs facilities

Many healthcare executives and administrators view contract management as an excellent way to improve environmental and facility quality – and reduce costs. EMS provides professional and personalized contract management services that can usually reduce your housekeeping, laundry, linen and building maintenance and engineering departmental operating expenses between five and ten percent within the first year – and increase overall facility quality!

ems management housekeeping


EMS housekeeping programs are carefully devised processes, practices, and systems that employ the latest industry data and techniques. Our detailed and comprehensive services are designed to provide …[MORE]

ems management laundry

Laundry and Linen

Effective linen and laundry service is vital to patient care, employee morale, and economic operations. EMS will efficiently and effectively manage your Laundry and Linen Services Department …[MORE]

ems management maintenance


Patient comfort relies heavily on your facility’s physical environment. EMS is a leader in Building Maintenance and Management Control Systems – providing a comprehensive plant maintenance program …[MORE]

Why Choose EMS

      • Specialize in healthcare facilities
      • Increased Productivity Ranging from 10% to 15%
      • Improved Quality Resulting in Improved Staff and Resident Satisfaction
      • Reduced Risk of Nosocomial Infections
      • Reduced Cost – Ranging from 5% to 10%